WW3 Blog Articles for Concerned UK Citizens

(What no other nuclear war blog is saying)

Projected Nuclear War Targets in the UK and Ireland (with Detailed Map)

Synopsis: Alarmed at seeing mainstream media articles purporting to show "top ten nuclear targets in the UK"? Such materials are lightweight fluff compared to this.

Projected nuclear targets in UK & Ireland (OSINT)

UK Threat Matrix & Retreat Considerations

Synopsis: This is an important (we would say unmissable) missive on the imminent strategic dangers the British people will tragically experience this decade, covering the nuclear war with Russia that the West is irrervisibly transitioning towards, as well as intervening crises that will occur before then (banking crisis, government overreach, a healthcare catastrophe, devastating social turmoil fuelled by immigration, systemic failure and supply chain disruption). Highlights include:

Annie Jacobsen Errors & 5 Popular Nuclear War Myths

Synopsis: Fatalism about the survivability of nuclear war is rampant, as are artefacts of Cold War anti-bomb propaganda, including nuclear winter theory. This article seeks to redress some commonly held, but utterly false, notions about nuclear war and highlights that it is survivable and that other nations are proceeding on the basis that it is. Myths refuted:

Everybody Else is Bunkering Down...

Synopsis: Nation states (in both the East and West) are, unlike the UK, engaged in frantic nuclear war bunkering measures. At the same time, billionaires are feverishing digging in and making their own preparations. So why aren't you?

Northern Ireland as a Retreat Locale?

Synopsis: Northern Ireland has, in our assessment, some of the best retreat geography in all of the UK with respect to minimising the effects of radioactive fallout during the coming nuclear war with Russia. It also has other key attributes that make it an ideal locale to ride out the intervening storms. Key takeaways:

Why the Russians are not the Good Guys

Synopsis: Western conservatives have been the target of arguably the most sophisticated psychological warfare operation known to mankind in the modern age, resulting in a hagiographic impression of Russian President-in-Perpetuity, Vladimir V. Putin. Tragically, this has blind-sided them not just to a mortal enemy (beyond simply our own rulers), but to how to interpret Russian moves on the geopolitical stage. Key points:

Why the Path to WW3 is Irreversible

Synopsis: Many western commentators believe that Russia sees Ukraine as an end in itself and that there is accordingly scope for a negotiated settlement. Tragically, they are guilty of the same kind of near-sightedness that Neville Chamberlain's name shall forever be besmirched with, for Russia (like China) is on an irreversible path to an all-out nuclear war with the West. Just as bad, the West is also on the warpath. Key points:

The UK's Best Nuclear War Retreat Areas

Highlands near Ballachulish

Synopsis: The UK is a target-rich environment in the context of nuclear war with Russia, but that point notwithstanding, there are some areas in it that are far better suited to lying low in than most of the country. Key points:

Ireland’s Neutrality will not Spare it in World War 3

Map of nuclear war targets in Ireland

Synopsis: Ireland is sometimes spoken of by careless article-writers in the mainstream media as a utopia, along with New Zealand, in which nuclear war can be safely sat out. However, that is crassly naive. Key points: